Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Workshop Wednesday: DIY Wedding Invitations

Invitations week has arrived, and the talented Danielle Wojtyniak is going to be hosting a workshop that will take the stress right out of this top-of-the-list wedding task.  As invitations are one of the first things that go out and are intended to reflect the style and vision of the wedding to come, many Brides and Grooms fret about them; what to include, what size, style and paper to use.  Well, the answer is here from Six Modern Paper Goods based in Almonte, and Danielle who will be showing us how to DIY our perfect invites.

Danielle will be providing us with an overview of printing methods, a list of materials required, such as a knife and a ruler.  She’ll be giving us a list of local and online resources for supplies, including paper, printing and envelopes.  And she’ll also be offering us ideas of the different DIY strategies you can take, such as design and print your own, buy a design and print at home and buy a design and have it printed.

There will be example invitations, printed on a home inkjet printer, for us to browse and compare to professionally printed invites, and Danielle will demonstrate the ever so daunting cutting and folding techniques that will turn you into an expert.  So dig out your favourite exacto knife, buy some extra colour cartridges for your printer, and get ready to DIY some fabulous invites that you can give yourself a pat on the back for.

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